Anchor Hanover reveals its award winners

Anchor Hanover held an online ceremony yesterday to announce the winners of its Chef of the Year Award and Outstanding Achievement Award.

Anchor Hanover held an online ceremony yesterday to announce the winners of its Chef of the Year Award and Outstanding Achievement Award.

With the current pandemic putting a stop to a live competition, care home chefs had to submit photos and videos of their cuisine. Entries were then judged by Anchor Hanover colleagues across the country, and finalists were chosen based on the creativity of their cooking and the inclusion of residents in their menus.

As well as picking a winner for the Chef of the Year award, the judges also recognised two other finalists, putting them in second and third place. The results were:

Chef of the Year Award
1st – Paul Richardson Mackie, chef manager of The Manor House in Harrogate [pictured]
2nd – Matthew Mackay, Ridgemount Banstead in Surrey
3rd – Lukasz Maciejewski, The Ridings in Banbury

Outstanding Achievement Award
Joan Richards, chef manager of Waterside in London

Richard Herne, Anchor Hanover’s catering manager, said: “Congratulations to Joan, Lukasz, Matthew and Paul for their achievement, they were certainly the best out of some very stiff competition. I’d also like to say thank you to all the nominees this year for their dedication and hard work. Anchor prides itself on our culinary standards and this year was no exception.

“Given current circumstances it is wonderful that we managed to have a competition at all but full credit to the entrants for coming up with the goods!”