RECIPE: Mediterranean Vegetable Scotch Egg

We recently reported that NACC Care Chef of the Year Martin McKee had created a range of videos showing how British Lion eggs can be used to make simple but nutritious dishes.

We recently reported that NACC Care Chef of the Year Martin McKee had created a range of videos showing how British Lion eggs can be used to make simple but nutritious dishes. There were five in total, and here we have the recipe for the Mediterranean vegetable scotch egg.

ALLERGENS: Eggs, wheat, milk

Mediterranean vegetable mix
2 courgettes, ½ cm diced
2 red onions, ½ cm diced
2 red peppers, ½ cm diced
2 yellow peppers, ½ cm diced
2 green peppers, ½ cm diced
1 tsp garlic puree
1 tsp dried Italian herbs
1 tsp dried oregano
Salt and pepper, to taste

Scotch egg
10 medium British lion eggs
900g pork sausage meat
100g grated cheddar
100g grated Mozzarella
50g porridge oats
4 tbsp chopped chives
Pinch salt and pepper, to taste

To breadcrumb the eggs
4 medium British lion eggs
200ml milk
200g plain flour
350g coarse or panko Japanese breadcrumbs
Vegetable oil, for frying

1. Place the diced vegetables, dried herbs and garlic puree into a mixing bowl and combine. Leave to marinade for 30 minutes.
2. Place your sausage meat and porridge oats into a food mixer, with the paddle attachment on, and slowly beat until incorporated. Drain the Mediterranean vegetables of any excess oil and add to the sausage mixture.
3. Boil 10 of your British Lion eggs for 5 minutes in rapidly boiling water. Once boiled, run the eggs under cold water, until chilled, and then remove the shell.
4. Divide the sausage mixture into 10 equal balls. Flatten out one of the balls out using the palm of your hands and place the peeled egg in the centre. Once the egg is in the centre, wrap the meat around the egg. Repeat for all of the eggs.
5. Next you will need 3 bowls. One for your flour and salt and pepper, another for your breadcrumbs and in the third bowl, crack in your 4 remaining eggs and whisk with the milk.
6. Place your wrapped eggs into the flour and coat well, lightly shake off any excess flour then place into the egg and milk mixture. Make sure you get an full coating of the egg mixture, as this will stick your breadcrumbs to the egg. Finally, place the eggs into the crumbs and roll around until covered. Repeat the egg wash and bread crumb stage to have 2 coatings. Repeat this step for all wrapped eggs.
7. Preheat your oven to 170 degrees Celsius (fan assisted). Set your deep fryer to 160 degrees and cook the coated eggs for a few minutes. Once slightly cooked, finish the eggs in the oven for 8-12 minutes, until the sausage meat is fully cooked.
8. Serve with a fresh crispy salad and chilli houmous.