WRAP highlights Food Waste Action Week

WRAP is calling on caterers to take action during its first ever Food Waste Action Week (1-7 March 2021) and pledge to become ‘Guardians of Grub’.

WRAP is calling on caterers to take action during its first ever Food Waste Action Week (1-7 March 2021) and pledge to become ‘Guardians of Grub’.

The week of activity will raise awareness of the impact that food waste has on the planet.

“This is a hugely important issue for businesses, individuals and for us all as a society,” says Kate Nicholls, chief executive of UKHospitality. “Tackling food waste will be a major step in addressing climate change, which is arguably the single biggest issue of our time.

“Guardians of Grub is a great initiative, highlighting the issue of food waste and providing solutions to tackle it. Even during this time of crisis in the hospitality sector, food waste reduction is important, not only for its environmental benefits but also in protecting businesses financially.

“We will continue to enthusiastically support WRAP and encourage you to get involved with Food Waste Action Week and the Guardians of Grub Campaign this year.”

Anyone who is yet to target their food waste is advised to try the cost saving calculator to see how much they can save.

Those who are keen to kickstart their food waste journey right away can sign up to the cost saving skills course, a 15-minute course that reveals how to start measuring wasted food.

“Creating a week in the calendar dedicated to reducing food waste is long overdue,” comments Juliane Caillouette Noble, managing director of the Sustainable Restaurant Association. “We wholeheartedly support Food Waste Action Week and would urge all foodservice businesses to take this opportunity to tool up with WRAP’S excellent Guardians of Grub resources so they maximise the amount of food they feed people and not bins, while minimising costs and their impact on the planet.”

More information on the Guardians of Grub campaign can be found here.